I think it's only fair to talk about what is very clearly going on right now and that is the Black Lives Matter and anti-racists movements sparked by George Floyd's death by a police officer over him allegedly using a fake $20 bill. I can't watch the whole video, but even the clips are gut-wrenching. As someone who is not racist and has taken steps to really educate myself on Canada's racialized past, it's truly awful to see such a systemic problem continuing. It's not even anymore to not be racist, we need to be strongly anti-racist and use our white privilege to educate ourselves and support the movement. Personally I've not backed down on conversations about race and reactions sparked by this and will continue to use my voice - especially when it comes to educating my children about race issues and how we can help. My heart has felt heavy, and I can only empathize with the black community and those directly affected by this. Let it not be a moment, but a movement.
On a happier note, we did go out to the family cabin this past weekend and it was so nice to get away! We were still being social distant bringing all our food and drinks and just staying with my husband's parents (who are watching our little guy while we work still). The weather was beautiful on Saturday and we went for a kayak down the river and just enjoyed being outside. Was crazy rainy the next day, but no complaints - I read a 500 page book over the weekend so I think I got my quota of relaxing time in too!
My garden is finally getting it's first blooms! We are so slow in Calgary for things to flower and aren't these gorgeous?! This is an Angelique Tulip and they are my favourite tulips - so pretty! I'm actually picking up more plants today and will probably have a garden update next week too to see everything else I planted in there! If you are interested in these, I picked mine up from Brecks and they are great (I've ordered lots of bulbs from them and they've all been really good!)
The first Friday of every month I usually share my Monthly Makeup Basket, but I just have not been inspired to reach for anything really, so I'm going to keep the same basket as last month, which basically had my project pan items and a face palette:
So I will use the Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Collection palette, the Kevyn Aucoin The Celestial Highlighting Powder in CandleLight and the Too Faced Cosmetics Sweet Peach Papa Don’t Peach Blush again for the month!
I just wanted to leave this post on a positive note that we all need to be kind, understanding and listen to each other and the book The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse was just a little hug in a book I needed this week - it was full of good messages and beautiful ink pictures and it was lovely!
I hope you have a great weekend!
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