My husband and I are currently in P.E.I. and enjoying a little vacation! The island is so charming and beautiful! I have never been to the east side of Canada before, so I'm super excited for this trip! We are here for our friend's wedding and what a beautiful location for a wedding!
It's also super strange to be on vacation without our kids! I remember going on my first trip without Damian and it wasn't easy, so it's our first time away from Elliott and it's weird being away from them! They are at the family cabin with the grandparents, so I know they are having fun without us!
And, the day we got here we got to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary! This week on Wednesday marked 3 years and it was really great to spend the day on a trip to celebrate our friends getting married! I just love all the love! For the day, we ended up .....
Last weekend we took the kiddies to the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller to check out the dinosaurs! Damian has talked about being a paleontologist forever so he loves coming here and it was Elliott's first time seeing the dinosaurs! Always a fun stop - it was still a little too smokey out to do the outside walks, but we have to get here at least once a year!
I was supposed to have my Monthly Haul post posted already (except something didn't quite arrive before I left on holidays!) but once it's posted, you will notice a slight overspending on my part for the last 2 months! Whoops! So, for September, I am going a No-Buy (with the exception of a subscription box that may renew) and I'm really hoping to stick to it!
This is my little bit of declutter from August - I got rid of a few things this month! The Crown Glam Metals palette is really pretty; but, I just didn't use it and I tried to use it during the week for a work week and it just didn't do it for me (you can see a look with it on my Boxycharm unboxing). Also, I got rid of the Coastal Scents Revealed 2 - I loved this palette, it even made my Monthly Favorites in Feb. 2017 and I used it for years; but, I just have too much overlap in my collection now for it to be unique.
I'm also getting rid of 2 things from my latest Boxycharm - the Bang Beauty chocolate liner, and the dark brown Smashbox lipstick. Also, I have been holding on to the purple lipstick forever without trying it, so it's time to go. And, the Tarte Shape Tape is just too dark for me - it's medium and i'm light to light-medium, but it was the only one in store when I was there (I don't know what I was thinking!) The last 2 items - the Lassie'el Raspberry Age Defying Yogurt Massage Mask and the Banana Boat Kids stick were both well expired, so it was time to go!
I hope you all have a great weekend! I get to enjoy a beautiful wedding of some good friends and a little more time touring P.E.I.
I do that with shades too! If it's a product I know I love but the colour won't be right for me I'll always buy it and pretend that it'll work and it never does!! Love this post.
haha - I really wanted it to work for me!!! Thanks Emily!