Saturday, January 21, 2023

Five on Friday - January 21, 2023 ~ Valentines Day Haul, Gaz Oakley Book, Strange World, That 90's Show, and The Last of Us

Happy Friday everyone - I hope you all had a great week! It's been pretty quiet here. I am taking a slow approach in to blogging, so I'm enjoying time to myself and indulging in some other hobbies as well! 


I purchased everything in this post 

Is it too early to think about Valentine's Day?! I just rarely go out to a store, so when I did last weekend, I had to pick up a few goodies. Elliott loves squishmallows, so he will get this on Valentine's Day and some cute chocolate for the boys. Then, the Power Bracelet slap on bracelets for E to hand out in class! 


While out shopping at Indigo, I found this book in the sale section! It is Vegan 100 by Gaz Oakley and he is probably one of my favourite veggie chefs. His recipes are usually a little more involved, but if you have the time, they are always worth it. So happy to add some new recipes in to the rotation from here! 


I fiiiinnnally got around to watching Strange World and I loved it! This was really cute and the whole show was a lot of fun. I always happy for movies to talk about sexuality and the environment and still have a really fun storyline - we loved it! 


Aand, I managed to start a new show - That '90s Show! I loved That 70s Show, so I couldn't resist checking this out. I'm only a couple episodes in, but I love the 90s vibe (yes to the Alanis Morissette singing) and I love the old sitcom feel so it's pretty fun and easy to watch! 


This show has been hyped up for so long and we were pretty excited to watch it! This filmed all over Calgary and I had to be escorted through the set a couple of times while getting my eye brows done and we knew some people who were extras on set. So, the first episode was released and it was good (and a little sad), but creepy and intriguing enough. I haven't played the game, but I think I will enjoy the series! 

I hope you all have a great weekend! 

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