Friday, July 24, 2015

Five on Friday - July 23, 2015

Hope everyone has been having a great week - I am so happy that today is Friday!! I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend! 


I got my wedding makeup trial complete!! So exciting - I did not get a closeup of my eyes because I have to keep a little bit secret! 

I have joined a Christmas in July gift exchange with some fellow Canadian Beauty Bloggers! I am so excited - we each spend $30 on each other based on a "wish list" and it is totally a secret until we get our gifts! The shipping deadline was July 20 - I haven't received my package but here is a look at what I sent out:

I'm so excited for them to get it!!! 


I got my update on the Nina Garcia box - it is not shipping until August now! I knew that was going to happen because there have been no spoilers or hints at all yet and it was supposed to ship by the end of July! Ugh, it's been a long wait (since I didn't get her last box) so I am hoping it is great! 

Just for fun, do you guys ever read customer complaints?! I can't tell you how much I enjoy it - go to any subscription box facebook page (Ipsy is the best) and people's comments that they leave publicly are out of this world!! It makes my whole day better to read them - people are crazy!! 


We just made this recipe last night and it was soooo good!! I have never made salmon burgers before and they were awesome!! Plus I got to use my fresh herbs from the garden - they are highly recommended! 


  1. I love reading the customer reviews on Amazon. There was this one woman who gave every Martina McBride album a negative score because she thought Martina McBride makes too much money and has too big of a house. The craziness amused me a lot.

    1. haha yes!! I love the crazy!! It makes my day... glad I'm not the only one!
