Saturday, May 27, 2023

Five on Saturday - May 27, 2023 ~ Damian's Graduation, Graduation Cupcakes, Switch Game Holder, One Night Ultimate Werewolf Game and Our Game Night Go-To's, and Daisy Jones and The Six

Happy Friday - it's been a busy crazy week! We had family in town for the long weekend and have been doing grad things for Damian all week! 


I purchased everything in this post

I can't even explain how proud/emotional I am - my oldest son, Damian graduated this week! It was so amazing to see him walk the stage and it was amazing! 


We threw a BBQ for Damian over the weekend, and I had so much fun making these cupcakes! I made the graduation caps out of reese's cups, after eight mints, sour candy and skittles on top! Love how they turned out!


I have to share this - this is a switch game holder in a cute little case! I have a big holder for the whole switch that has some slots, but it's more for storage - this one is great for in the living room instead of having all the game cases out! You can find it here - we love it


Okay, have to share some games - we had some really fun family game nights over the weekend and the one I had the most fun with was One Night Ultimate Werewolf. It's a sort role-playing game were you have to try and pick out the werewolves and they are trying to hide who they are; it's so much fun! 

We also love Exploding Kittens and Organ Attack - both are great card games for groups. And with Elliott, we love Bad Bunnies and Uno! 


Ahh - I FINALLY got started on Daisy Jones and the Six! Have you guys watched it?! I'm loving it - it feels so true to the era and it's been amazing like the book! Fabulous! 

I hope you all have a good weekend! 


  1. One, again congratulations Damien - you must be so proud! And two, that Werewolf game stresses me out so much LOL! I played with my husband and our friends and I am a terrible liar! I watched the first episode of Daisy Jones, but I stopped because I want to read the book first. That first episode looked fantastic though. Riley Keough is a better actress than I thought she would be!

    1. Thanks Jayne - so proud of him! Oh man - it is stressful trying to maneuver and read everyone else too, but I like it! Ooooh the book is good - one of the best audiobooks I've listened to, I've been really enjoying the show now too!
