Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Back in 2022, I set a monthly beauty and books budget at $200 per month and I've been pretty good about sticking to it! I am trying to be thoughtful in my purchases, so this has been holding me accountable for being reasonable with my spending. Since it worked so well last year, I'm really trying to do the same thing this year! 

I do always love my Monthly Haul posts - it's a good way to keep track of everything that I picked up each month. I don't always blog about everything I pick up (I try to), but if you ever spot anything in here that you really want me to talk about, let me know! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

The Night Circus Vintage Classic Edition ~ $34.40 CAN. It's no secret that I love The Night Circus, and while I don't buy every copy that comes out, I do pick up most. And, in the UK they just came out with this Vintage Classic Edition and it's gorgeous! (I picked mine up from Blackwells as they have free shipping in Canada). 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Amazon Order ~ $27.28 CAN. I really loved Howl's Moving Castle, so I had to pick up the next couple of books in the series and I'm excited to read them - it's a whimsical middle grade fantasy and I hope these two are great as well! 

Auction Find ~ $12.00 CAN. I picked this up on an auction - it was brand new and I love the Natasha Denona eyeshadow formula! It's a nice smooth, pigmented formula and I should have a swatch post up soon! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

The Familiar Pre-order ~ $29.34 CAN. It's hard for me to resist a special edition pre-order and I like Leigh Bardugo's writing, so when this was a fantasy about the Spanish Inquisition, I had a feeling I would like it! (And I did - you can see my April Reads Wrap-up here if you're interested!)

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Essie Gel Polish ~ $12.05 CAN. I love buying nail polish - I'm always excited for new formulas, so when Essie came out with their Jelly Gloss polishes, I knew I had to order one! I got mine from Amazon and quick and easy to get! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Funny Story Pre-order ~ $28.60 CAN. I am loving Emily Henry's books, so I'm always so excited about her new books! I did pre-order her latest release, Funny Story and I can't wait to read this! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Lush May Kitchen Subscription Box ~ $60.85. This was a little bit of a surprise as I ran in to some issues with the Lush site, but I do like getting this subscription and I love that it's a Bridgerton theme! Will do a full unboxing soon! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Song of the Six Realms Pre-order ~ $18.90 CAN. Another one that I had to pre-order - I love this writer and this art, so naturally I really want to read this and I plan to do that soon! 

Monthly Beauty and Book Haul ~ April 2024

Indie Book ~ $16.00. One of the ladies in our book club is an author and she's published a YA vampire novel with treasure hunting - sounded great, love supporting a local author and can't wait to read this (I've started it already!)

Alright, with the surprise of the Lush Subscription, I did go a little bit over, so I spent $239.42 CAN - a little over budget, but whoops I will use everything! 

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