Friday, September 13, 2024

Five on Friday - September 13, 2024 ~ Never Whistle At Night Book Review, September Most Anticipated Books, Porcupine in the Wild, Sunflowers, and Bissell Little Green Machine

Happy Friday everyone - hope you had a great week! And, happy Friday the 13th! 


I purchased everything in this post

Another great book to share - Never Whistle At Night by a variety of indigenous authors, 4 stars. This is an Indigenous horror and dark fiction anthology - I've always said I sometimes struggle with short stories and ambiguous endings, but when it's explained by means of cultural teachings and leaving it up to the listener, I can be a little more accepting even though I typically like my stories wrapped up nicely.

This is a great mix of well known authors as well as newly published and the stories will have something different for everyone - I like this mix of dark fiction where somethings that keep me up at night won't scare another reader and vice versa. Some standouts for me were Kushtuka, White Hills, Snakes Are Born in the Dark, The Prepper, and Collections but the rest were good too!


I love sharing my most anticipated books - here's a little look at what is coming out in September that I'm excited for! 


I was out for a run a couple of nights ago as it was getting dark and had to pause for this big guy to run by - I haven't seen a porcupine in person before! 


I shared some sunflower nails this week because my sunflowers started blooming and look at how stunning they are! I love them! 


I just picked up a Bissell Little Green Machine - it was on sale for $80 and it is such a handy little thing! I cleaned all my chairs and it works great!

Hope you have a great weekend! 

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